dylan gets daring

About a month ago, we saw a little guy at gymnastics (a fella smaller than Dylan) who was just as brave and as coordinated as a 2-year old could be! He was running, jumping and climbing with the agility and skill of a 6-year old!

This little guy was climbing on super tall stacks of blocks and jumping eagerly into the foam pit below. Dylan and I watched in awe.

The following week, Dylan decided he wanted to try jumping in, too. So, we started with jumping in from just the edge of the pit and then we slowly worked our way up to the stacked blocks. Dylan would watch Vikram (the little guy) with a huge smile and then he would want to try, too!

By the time Tom was able to take some time off from work (last week) to come join us, Dylan was a pro! He leapt off the blocks fearlessly! I managed to capture a picture of Dylan leaping off of an elevated springboard, but believe it or not, this one was short!

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