final soccer game – 11/16


dylan’s final soccer game

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Dylan’s clavicle healed in time for him to play the final game of his soccer season…and he did great! It was like he really missed playing and so, he was super involved and engaged…at least for the first quarter he played! His energy waned towards the end, but hit was great to see him play nonetheless!


dylan’s final soccer game

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dylan’s final soccer game

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dylan’s final soccer game

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chloe at dylan’s final soccer game

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Chloe clearly had a blast!


soccer party yummies

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After the game, the team had their end-of-season soccer party. I foolishly signed up for cupcakes thinking I wanted to make sure our kids had their vegan treats, but then I realized I had zero time to actually bake! We ended up getting junkie cupcakes from Safeway (non-vegan) and a couple of vegan ones from Whole Foods.


soccer trophy

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Dylan got his trophy and the “biggest heart” team award. All in all, it was a rough soccer season what with Dylan missing about half the games because of his clavicle! We continued to attend every practice and game, but it was tough to see Dylan mostly on the sidelines on his own. I’d practice with him as much as I could (as I still had Chloe with me at one of the weekly practices), but I’m no coach and it was tough to encourage a strong interest in the game. I think towards the end of practices, he was pretty much tuned out. It felt like torture to make him go (though he actually expressed a desire to keep going!). We’ll see if he wants to do it next year. There was also some drama on his team this year which left me feeling a little less certain about the group as a whole (involving a coach disciplining a player who repeatedly spat on another player; the coach and player’s parent ended up in a shouting match and the player was withdrawn from the team). But, as I said, we shall see if Dylan wants to play again. If so, we’ll certainly register him!

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