dylan’s first piano recital – 11/16

piano recital
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan had his first piano recital in mid-November! It happened to be on the same day as Grandpa Mike’s bday, so it was very nice that he and Lola drove up to see his very short performance! The recital was at the nearby Quaker meeting house and he played 2 songs, “Ode to Joy” (a very simple and abbreviated couple of lines from the song) and another piece I can’t remember!

He really only practiced “Ode to Joy” which he played as a duet with his piano teacher Michael. I had no idea he was actually supposed to play 2 songs (my bad as I’d been stealing away to work on the SunSpec contract during his lessons instead of tuning into what was going on), so I wasn’t prodding him to practice anything other than “Ode to Joy”! So, while “Ode to Joy” was beautifully played, he faltered on the second piece.

The dear boy did not lose his stride, though! He ended his section of the recital with grace and a smile…and a nice bow!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Lola and Grandpa Mike gave him roses and, after all of the performances (some very, very well done!), we enjoyed a few snacks at a reception. Then, we helped rearrange the chairs into the very specific configuration required by the Quakers!

Afterwards, we headed back to Auntie Christina’s house to celebrate Mike’s (and Tom’s) birthdays!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Here’s grandpa Mike with his cupcake tree!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I think he was given some tricky candles!! He finally got help from Jason and Tyler!!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

As usual, everyone enjoyed themselves! And hanging out with the fam was a nice way to end a very busy day!!

Update: Just found a vid link to Dylan’s performance!

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