oh, yeah. we went to Tahoe

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Holy smokes. It’s been eons since I’ve updated, but it’s not really for lack of news — I won’t bore you with the details.

We made it to Tahoe in late January — Dylan’s first real “memorable” trip to the snow. He loved it, except for when his little hands got so chilly because he didn’t like wearing mittens!

He was so obsessed with scooping snow with sand toys, he ignored sledding for hours. When he finally tried it, I missed the photo op. =(

Anyway, it was a 4-night trip with Mark,Yu-chen and Ellie, and Heather, Assaf and Taliana involving a few trips out snowshoeing (Dylan had his own and was able to successfully walk around in them the second time out in them) and a lot of luck with the weather (we arrived to rain, got 2 good days of snow, and left in clear weather with no need for chains on the I-80).

Tom even got a chance to ski…!

This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip, taken on a brief snowshoe excursion to the lake from within Sugar Pine Point State Park. Aren’t those faces so sweet??

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