biking – 3/16

biking with Dylan
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron had been wanting to go to Blue Ball park for a few days…I guess she and Jada had been talking about how Jada was going to go there, so she apparently told Jada we would go, too. Well, the days didn’t sync up, but since she’d been talking about it, we decided we’d go anyway. It was a beautiful Sunday, so why not??

Dylan hasn’t really biked on anything other than asphalt (mostly, if not exclusively, at the school), so I thought it might be fun for him to try some different terrain, plus the field up above the park playground had a nice loooong path surrounding it which I thought would make for a nice fun loop.

Dylan was initially very unhappy about riding in the gravel, saying his bike wouldn’t go fast enough through it and he needed a gear bike and on and on. But, after a couple of miles of biking it, he started having a blast! In the end, we had a great time. It was fun for me to be back on my bike and it was fun for him to feel like he “mastered” gravel and “grass.” He’s now eager to try out more trails!

Tom couldn’t ride his bike because it’s currently on the bike trainer in the garage, plus we don’t really have a great solution for taking Chloe on a bike with us (her seat is still on the Yuba and we still don’t have a bike rack that can accommodate it), so he stayed with the girls down at the playground where Chloe was apparently a stellar (and fearless) climber!

On our loops, Dylan and I would stop at the top of the playground and look for them. Once we’d satisified our curiosity (we saw them on the rocking thingies and on the swings), we’d race off to do another loop.

It was such a fun day…looking forward to having all of us be able to ride together (Cameron is an expert on the balance bike but has been reluctant to do the 2-wheeler and Chloe is already claiming the 2-wheeler as her own!).

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