Well, yesterday, Tom and I made the bold attempt to go to Shakespeare Santa Cruz last night. It was kind of a last minute decision in the end; we’d discussed going, but hadn’t made any firm commitments, but since there’s only about a week left of the season, we decided to go for it! The only downside to the whole thing was that we had to buy a separate ticket for Dylan (they cited some fire marshal code as justification).
We got ideal aisle seats in the third row, close to the exit (which you can see behind Dylan and me) and Dylan was amazingly good…We saw no need to leave early!
When we first arrived, he took the opportunity to take in all of the sights and sounds — the redwoods, the leaves, all the people, etc. Then, shortly after the performance began — around 7:30pm — he had his second dinner-ish and promptly conked out…and stayed conked out until the show actually ended!!
Well, needless to say, Tom and I were pleased as punch.
This coming weekend, we’re going to attempt a matinee showing of As you Like It.
Who knows how Dylan will behave — the afternoon is still a little up-in-the-air with respect to scheduling — but we’ll give it a shot anyway….