new chair!

dylan’s new chair
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We’re finally getting around to setting up the other bedroom in the house–yes, it’s only been 9 or 10 years or so. Sheesh. I finally just gave up on waiting for Tom to move his books on his own, so I quietly started moving them into his closet. Much to my (pleasant) surprise, I was not reprimanded for doing this! Instead, he quietly accepted the state of things and then proceeded to help clear space for kid furniture. Phew.

So, we journeyed to Ikea to get a new loft bed for Dylan. This way, he can tuck his desk under his bed and have more space in the room for other things! Dylan and Cameron both picked out new chairs for themselves and, once we assembled them (about a week after purchasing them!), Dylan set up his own little photo studio. This kid is adorable; so many ideas, so little time!


By the way, I’m posting this on 10/10, but backdating it to when the picture was already taken. I’m sure this will confuse me later, but it seems better to somehow maintain the photo time sequence!

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