New Year’s eve

new year’s eve tortilla maker
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

One of Cameron’s homework assignments was to make some masa and play with it! Well, since I got the tortilla press I’d asked for (from Madison–Jeff’s niece), we decided to go one step further and just make some tortillas for our dinner!

Dylan is practically a pro since he’s made tortillas on 2 field trips this year (the UCSC farm and the Mission) so he was on tortilla-pressing duty by his own choice!

working the masa
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.


the final product
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I think they turned out fantastic!!! We served them with seitan, avocado, and a cauliflower/potato/spinach filling simmered in a mole sauce.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We got Dixit for Christmas so we played that. Great fun with the kids! Then, we played Enchanted Forest (Cameron’s new game) and then we gambled using Sequence Num6ers as a “roulette” board. We bet on numbers (each person started out with $5 in chips–this year’s game was sponsored by mom and dad…who knows, next year, we may make them pony up their own cash! Heh heh!) and then made Dylan solve the math problems to get the random “roulette” number! I think everyone ended up losing money, but we still had fun!

meltdown at 9
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Oh, yeah. This one didn’t make it! But, it took no time at all for her to decide that she wanted to go upstairs and fall asleep! After Chloe was down, I went back down to play games with the big kids and Tom!

Cameron wanted to head to bed at 11:46pm. I managed to persuade her to stay awake for another few minutes! Dylan, on the other hand, wanted to continue to gamble !! Well, we were all in bed by 12:30am, I think! Hard to believe another year is behind us!

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