Field trips – 4/30 and 5/1

beatiful day for lunch at the beach
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We went on so many field trips these past few weeks! This picture was taken at Zmudowski Beach where the class had lunch on the way home from a field trip to MIRA in Monterey (located on part of the old Army base). We are so lucky to live near such beauty!

I just love this guy
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I love going on field trips. I loved chilling out with Dylan on the beach and I love that he chose to eat lunch with me instead of leaving me in the dust for buddies (he just wanted it to be the 2 of us).

at MIRA with Maya
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

playing in the trees at MIRA
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The field trip to MIRA, itself, was a bit of a letdown. The guy who did a whole lot of talking was clearly not very good with kids–he was shutting down their questions left and right (“that’s not the answer I was looking for” and flat out, “wrong”)–so not very encouraging at all. Then, the looking through the telescope part was a bit anti-climactic. Sure we saw the sun (which filled the entire view of the telescope), but some kids didn’t even realize they were looking at the sun and nobody actually told us anything interesting about that particular view of the sun. Teacher Wendy’s opinion was that the field trip was a bust (it was the first time she’d taken her class there), but I was just happy to hang with the 3rd grader for a bit!

Seymour Center
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron also went on a field trip (the very next day!). I apparently forgot to specify that I was going to drive (partly because the entire field trip form was in Spanish and I didn’t really understand everything I was reading), but I got to ride with the parent who drove Cameron.

Unfortunately, Thing 2 developed a fever that day! I knew something was wrong because instead of just being grumpy (she’s awakened way too early that morning!) and stand-offish with me, she actually sought out my company.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

You can see, in her eyes, that she is tired. Poor thing.

Also, because the classroom they were in was so small, the number of parents allowed in was restricted. I lucked out and was able to go in because one of the other parents wanted to head back home and rescue her child from her mother-in-law instead of staying with our class, so she offered me her spot inside; however, I was assigned to a group that Cameron wasn’t in! Still, I was in the group right next to her, so I was able to get a few pictures of her as well!

after the field trip
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

After we got back to the school, I decided to just take Cameron back home with me where she promptly sacked out! Luckily, her recovery was fairly quick and she had all weekend to recover!

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