costume fitting and set-building

finally, all done!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Today, 2 out 3 kids did costume fittings–Chloe wasn’t very cooperative, so we are supposed to do all the markings at home and just bring all of her stuff back on Monday.

There are going to be a LOT of costume changes and, apparently, this group is pretty big (around 40 kids). This should make backstage/dressing room duty pretty exciting!

After the kids got fitted, I went out and helped do a little set painting. Tom, in the meanwhile, was busy helping Rick (my running partner’s hubby) and another dad build up a set.

And, while we were busy doing those things, the kids alternated between getting underfoot and playing with the other kids that were there — mostly Julie and Kaden (Jenny’s kids) and Marielle (costume coordinator’s daughter).

Kaden is exactly one week younger than Cameron and they’ve known each other their entire lives; they even had a couple of joint birthday celebrations early on. We did regular play dates with Kaden up until Kindergarten started, but Cameron and Kaden never really clicked. It seems now, though, that the “click” is finally happening! They are in the same group at rehearsal so they are spending 20 hours a week together!

Yes, that’s right. Their rehearsals are 4 hours long every day (and our kids are in there starting at 10am in the morning summer camp (so I can squeeze my work hours in before getting Chloe at 2:30). I have told the kids that this is basically their summer job…and, boy, are they working hard (and so are the volunteer parents!)! But, the great thing is that they are really enjoying it. Since we have friends with kids participating, too, the volunteer work has been tolerable…so far. Every night, the kids rehearse and they’re so eager to show us their new moves. I can’t wait to see the show!

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