This year, Dylan and I ran the 6-mile Wharf to Wharf together!
He barely trained. We started doing 1-mile training runs way back in June (June 7th was our first run), but that lasted all of 3 weeks, with only 4 runs in total with the last one completed on 6/23 and with 1.42 miles being the longest distance we ran!
We didn’t do a single run in July. By this point, I had pretty much given up on the whole training idea–by the time we’d reunited from summer camp and work, it seemed too hot and too late in the day to subject a poor kid to running. I figured we’d have a nice leisurely jog/walk during the event!

taking account of perspective–Finley backs up to appear the same height as Dylan
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.
As it turned out, Mariah and Finley started with us! But, F. is a sprinter and it was very crowded, so very early on, we unfortunately got separated and I lost sight of where they were in the crowd.
The next obstacle was water–Dylan felt dehydrated and the first water station was waaaaay out there (at mile 2.5!)…much later than I had expected. After that first station, I ran with a half-full cup of water for him.
So as not to make it too strenuous or to tax his muscles too much, we walked up the hills (and we made a point to run down them!).
At around mile 3, we walked while he refueled with a granola bar (very glad I took one with us) and then, after that, we did a combination of running, usually to a sign or visible “landmark”. By mile 4.5, we employed a strategy of running for .1 mile and then walking for 20 seconds or so. And, despite his initial belief that he couldn’t possibly go another step, we crossed the finish line together!
This was a phenomenal first effort and I’m so glad that he has expressed interest in doing it again–this time with more training! Very proud and very happy to be able to run with my big guy!
In total, we walked over 22,000 steps (Dylan wore his Jawbone Move and I had my FitBit)! We were rewarded with a beautiful view overlooking the finisher’s area at Capitola Beach on our way back to the car. I’m really looking forward to having this run be an annual tradition–and one where the whole family can run together! But, we’ll have to see if the kids maintain interest–I sure hope they do!
Official Stats:
Time: 1:27:15
Pace: 14:32/mi