new helmet, new Keens, new scooter skillz

Day 55: inspired by Anela, Dylan rode his scooter faster than he ever has!
Dylan and scooter
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

On Friday, we made special play date plans with Cora, Anela and their mommy. We discovered a cute, little new-to-us park and, after seeing 5-year old Anela zipping around on her scooter, Dylan was inspired to speed off on his own…(as soon as we got home from school that day, he wanted to go outside to scoot around)!

That day was the first day that he really used his scooter outside, mostly because, up until last weekend, we didn’t have a helmet for him. Now, all he wants to do is scoot. We even had to take it to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday. I’m sure it is very motivating that Taliana has a scooter, too…and he got along really well with both Cora and Anela (who are as sweet as can be)! He really wants to scoot around with them!

Dylan also got his new Keens. The velcro on his old pair kept coming open, causing him to fall a lot or lose his shoe, so now that we don’t have to worry about him tripping over a shoe, we feel far more comfy with him scooting around outside…!

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