Dylan’s Winter piano recital – 12/13

Here’s Dylan playing “Oh, Come All Ye Faithful” in a duet with his piano teacher. He did a pretty good job considering he has been avoiding practicing piano like the plague lately! In any event, this piece was so short, Tom and the girls arrived too late to hear it! He was 3rd in the line-up and we had just been finishing up our Hour of Code session and were engaged in deep conversation with A. when we realized it was time for us to take Dylan to his event! Dylan and I went on ahead while Tom got the girls into their shoes and jackets, etc. They were only about 10 minutes behind us, but they missed Dylan’s song probably only by about a minute or so!

Incidentally, Cameron has been playing piano since September and she is already making great strides. About 12 lessons or so in and she’s already able to read notes and has already moved on to chord progressions. I’m not sure why she wasn’t asked to participate in this recital — maybe because their teacher thought it would be too overwhelming for her — but she, too, has a couple of holiday tunes she’s been playing. It’s been lovely listening to them practice.

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