Rehearsing James and the Giant Peach

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

It is so incredibly sweet that these two are doing their first theater production together! They have done 3 sleepovers together in the past 2 weeks! This time, Finley stayed at our house. Here they are practicing one of their main songs!

Incidentally, Cameron’s theater camp started one week after Dylan’s and they just got their roles! Happily, she got one of the ones she requested, Young Philip! It is adorable practicing with her. She really likes the part where she has to scream and run away. I’m especially proud that she is completely ok and proactively interested in playing boy characters!

Theater is already shaping up to be a lot of work (what with the 2 kids in separate productions), but I know it will be worth it…they are both so happy to participate.

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