Cameron lost another tooth! – 10/15/2016

freakin’ me out
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Now the front tooth gap is complete! Here’s the tooth before ballet class….

big gap
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

…and here’s the smile after Nutcracker rehearsal. I have to admit, I’m surprised she managed to keep her tooth in there all day!

But, the poor thing really did lose her tooth. She took some time to write a note to the tooth fairy just before we headed up to bed. When I asked if she’s finished it, she pulled it out of the box and showed it to me, but then suddenly, the tooth was not in the box! Tom, Dylan and I spent a fair amount of time combing the carpet for her tooth, but to no avail. Cameron was heart-broken. It was one of those moments when I realize that she is still 7! She was so worried that the tooth fairy wouldn’t come! Just after lights out (she was still crying)and I reminded her that we’ve heard stories of kids swallowing their teeth…so, you know, this can’t be the first time that the Tooth Fairy has encountered a note without a tooth! She seemed to take some comfort in that…and I hope we still find that tiny little nib of a tooth!!!

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