dylan’s bday circle at school

Day 82: Dylan's bday banner at preschool
bday banner at preschool
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

There were three May 20th birthdays at Dylan’s preschool this year, so the birthday circles were celebrated from Wednesday through Friday with Dylan’s on Thursday (his full day there)! This meant, he had yet another birthday celebration! For each birthday kid, the folks at school make a nice banner with the bday celebrant’s selected theme (of course, Dylan chose a train) and then they have a special circle time featuring the child’s favorite stories and songs. It was all so incredibly sweet.

Dylan's teachers asking him about his favorite songs and stories
Dylan with his teachers
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan was really pretty shy during the entire thing. He definitely has favorite songs and stories, but when asked, he just took whatever suggestions were offered — a nice story about a train and a nice train song.

bday candle time
bday candle time
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

After the story and songs, he got a special bday card with 3 knots tied on it while a little rhyme explaining each knot was recited. Then, everyone sang happy birthday and he got to blow out a candle on one of his special bday cupcakes.

It was the first time I’d stayed for an entire circle time, and I was impressed, not only with the attention showered on the kid, but also with their “curriculum” (which included a song in Spanish) and the way in which the teachers manage the kids….

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