LA birthday celebration and Auntie’s first marathon

Christina ran her first full marathon — the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll — on Sunday, May 31 so, we decided to cheer her on and couple it with a visit with family in Los Angeles….Grandma Sharon threw a totally nice and decadent birthday party for Dylan — there was sooo much good food — while we were there.

Dylan had an absolute b-l-a-s-t. He absolutely loved, loved, loved, playing with Eli and Rocky and Grandma Sharon and we enjoyed seeing family we haven’t seen since Chanukah.

The day of the celebration, he barely napped (he squeezed in a 30-minute cat-nap on the way back home from Fred and Julie’s house and the park), but he was obviously in high spirits for the entire party. He was galloping around looking for Grandma Sharon and Rocky whenever either of them left the room! And, as you can see from this picture, he was thrilled with his cake (Julie decorated it with a “muddy” Thomas the Train)!

Day 91: this does not look like the stride or the face of a tired marathon finisher!
a marathon finisher!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The next morning, we woke up early to drive to San Diego to watch Auntie Christina finish in her first marathon ever. Dylan was so tired from the previous night’s celebration that he stayed asleep when we loaded him into the car at 6:30am! But, he woke up about half-way there! I was a little worried he’d be cranky, but he was very patient and when he heard we’d be riding an electric trolley, he was excited!

He was also incredibly patient as we waited for Auntie to come through the finisher’s chute…and, of course, she finally did!

We ended the weekend with lunch with Christina in San Diego’s Old Town and then dinner back in LA with Grandma Sharon, Papa Willard, Eli, Rocky, Uncle Fred and Auntie Julie.

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