6 month check-up

Lots going on this week with the Dylan. He had his 6-month check-up…weighed in at 15 lbs. 6 oz (10th percentile) and 26.5″ (50th percentile). The doctor says he was born at about the 10th percentile, so she isn’t concerned with his growth “slowdown” and says that starting solids will probably help with the weight gain/growth (and reflux).

Dylan is also practicing his crawling skills in earnest (see vid!).

Today, we also started him on whole grain rice cereal. I’d say it was a pretty successful first attempt. He probably tried to eat about a tablespoon of cereal and, although it looked like he had a hard time swallowing it, he certainly showed a lot of interest in taking it in!

We’ve heard a lot about potential constipation issues with starting solids, so I’m hoping that nursing him after the solids meal will help prevent that….

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