I have many things for which to be thankful when it comes to my best friend and now I can add Dylan’s pronunciation of tomato among them! It’s testament to just how influential she is on his life — and it’s a good thing because she’s got a heart of gold and is infinitely patient!
In any event, we went tomato picking — or to-mah-toe-picking, as Dylan would say — this past weekend after getting a hot tip from another mommy friend that a near-ish-by organic tomato farm was having their final u-pick day. She’d posted a lovely picture of the San Marzanos she’d picked just the day before….Mariquita Farm was selling them for the amazing price of only 50 cents a pound and we normally buy heirlooms for at least $2/lb. so this was looking like a very, very sweet deal!
It was a blazing hot day in Hollister — 100F!! — and Dylan was just so unhappy about the heat, but we managed to collect a whopping 61 pounds of tomatoes — 31 pounds of San Marzanos and 30 pounds of heirlooms — before we finally fled the heat! Of course, it was mostly poor Tom doing the picking…and lugging. I was on stroller duty (Dylan was too hot to want to walk) and Cameron was strapped to my front-side in a mei tai!
Once back at home, Tom made an absolutely amazing sauce with the heirloom tomatoes that got a little smushed on our way home! Heather, Taliana, Assaf and P. came over to join us for U-Pick meal. We had pasta with Tom’s red sauce and my pesto (made from our basil) and apple pie that the girls and Heather had baked using the apples from last week’s apple-picking trip to Gizdich! Mmmm, it was yum!