
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

One of the sweetest things we see these days is the kids genuinely just loving playing with each other. Cameron is still so little, but she gets it. When we chase Dylan around the kitchen or vice-versa, she’s just laughing and squealing and kicking her little legs in utter excitement! When we pick him up from preschool, her face just lights up (and, again, she starts kicking excitedly) and she starts trying to talk. Dylan’s first instinct is to always touch her hand to greet her and, once in the car, he reaches out to hold her hand all of the time. She cranes her neck so she can see him and he yammers away and makes her laugh.

A lot of times when we’re at home, Dylan will also just get down on the ground–on his belly, too–and just hang out with her. He’ll try reading her stories and he’ll hand her toys. He even tells us, “I want to play with Cameron.”

As far as we’re concerned, she’s growing way too quickly, but at the same time, we’re eager for them to be able to really play together. We can tell they’ll be good buddies.

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