we are uncertain about bananas!

bananas day 1.5
bananas day 1.5
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Last week, Cameron started bananas, but owing to the potential tummy virus, we gave her a couple of days break. Then, we decided to hold off for another day (Sunday) when we took the kids to see Cirque du Soleil’s Ovo show–we didn’t want poor Cameron (or us, for that matter!) to be puke-covered while out and about!! But, today, we resumed the food trial.

Overall volume of food is still pretty darn low. Today, I tried giving her just a few spoonfuls. The jury is still out on whether she likes it!!

mmmm ? bananas!
mmmm ? bananas!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Regardless of the actual taste experience, Cameron clearly enjoys having her own food “gear!” In fact, one of the reasons we decided to try bananas again this morning was because she was looking a little put-out while Dylan, Tom and I were enjoying our own breakfasts of solids!! As you can see, she perked up as soon as she had her own little set-up. Such a sweet girl…!

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