another beach day in between rain

strollin' to the beach. cameron's second time in the double stroller
strollin’ to the beach
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

In between rain and sickness, we had another opportunity to hit the beach in the morning. Here’s Cameron happily riding in the double-stroller. Dylan and Cameron sit back to back, but she can hear him talking and often tries to twist around to see him. He chats away in her direction. Once we’re at the beach, though, he usually abandons her for his snack (we get a little something from the café there) and people-watching. He notes everything from the volleyball players to the dog-walkers and the folks on the sailboats…! Cameron’s big ol’ eyes just try to track every bird that comes near that is hoping to get a crumb from our snacks. We usually stay for about an hour and it usually feels like too short a time (and that probably means we’ve stayed just the right amount of time).

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