Cameron’s new words

Well, we weren’t kidding when we said our little girl found her voice! From the minute she did, she’s been sooo eager to speak and she continues to try … and to succeed! On Sunday at Disneyland, she started saying “plowee” or “flowee” (hard to tell which one) for “flower” — this was outside Minnie Mouse’s house (more on this and the rest of Disney weekend later!). Today, she started saying “upbeee” for “uppy” and she started signing “milk”!

Her signs for “milk” and “light” are nearly exactly the same, except, with “milk,” she uses both hands! She also loves the “open-shut them” song where you open and shut your hands (and give a little clap, clap, clap!), and she often opens and shuts her hands while la-la-la-ing, so context with all of this communication is key; when she’s tired and desperate for sleep, the open-shut with both hands is obviously a request to nurse…when she’s la-la-la-ing it’s song-related, and when she’s staring upwards (and not crying), it’s probably light.

With sounds, she’s starting to try to say “duck” and “quack quack” and, since our visit to the zoo last weekend (more on our SF staycation later!), she started making monkey sounds when she sees monkeys.

Still, “eh eh eh”, accompanied by energetic pointing is her primary mode for communicating what she wants. It’s all good. We expect she’ll be just as chatty as her big bro …!

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