more words for Cameron

Little baby Cameron, who used to be just fine with so many things, including riding in the car, now does everything in her power to delay being strapped into her car seat. So, whenever it’s time to “load up,” she clamps down on me, grabs the window and often starts pointing out anything (everything) she sees (“plowee”, “doggy”, etc.) and exclaiming “bye bye” to just about everything else!

Yesterday, her delaying tactic was to point out the apples on our neighbor’s tree–by signing it to us! She signs it by pointing her little index finger into her cheek and giving it a slow, very slow, rotation, and she accompanies it with an attempt to verbally say it as well!

Yesterday, she also signed “hat” for the first time and, today, we heard her say “ba” for ball.

Still waiting for her to sign “eat,” “more,” and “drink!”

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