Monarchs and Mandarin

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Last Monday, Dylan’s Mandarin class had a field trip to see the Monarchs at Natural Bridges and, because I didn’t want to be late in picking Cameron up from daycare, I took her with me.

She could not sit still for one second! We saw Kaden and Julie there, too, and Kaden looked so calm as compared with Cameron. She was running all over the place, refusing to hold my hand! I spent the vast majority of the time chasing her around….

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Meanwhile, poor Dylan was drooping and dragging and spent a lot of time off on his own at another picnic table apart from the main group. Heather tried very hard to help him out with his project (while I was chasing Cameron around). After we went down to see the butterflies (Cameron had a blast running up and down the path and pointing out all of the bikes she was seeing), Dylan perked up. He and Julie ran around together for a few minutes before we all headed home.

Anyway, here are a few more pictures from the evening.

trying to sit on the fence!
trying to sit on the fence!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron liked the fence looking out onto the road…and, I guess she got tired because she tried sitting on it to rest! She’d try, get up, examine the fence for suitable space, and then reattempt.

looking out on the road
looking out on the road
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

In a rare moment of calm and inactivity, here she is waiting for more bicyclists to come up the road.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

And, here’s Dylan making a “camp fire” and imagining camping instead of thinking about Mandarin and working on his butterfly project!

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