another beachin’ day

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Today was another full Dylan day. We started out with a pancake brekky (thanks dad!) then headed to HAT’s for a collective trip to the Farmer’s market where we sampled (and got) some delicious Rainier cherries, some broccoli and some roasted corn. Afterwards, Cindy brought all of the boys to Santa Cruz for a visit, so we ate lunch at the Corner Cafe while Tom had another follow-up appointment for his eye. We then headed to Seabright Beach for an afternoon of fun in the sun.

After getting all tuckered out, we headed home for some Thai food and more hanging out time.

Dylan loved visiting with everyone (as usual) and stayed chipper until his postponed bedtime (9:45pm) at which time he promptly fell asleep! Hopefully, he’ll be good to go for tomorrow’s brunch with Uncle David and Taliana (hopefully, Tom and I will be, too!)….

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