13 month update

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Our little guy is definitely getting bigger! Last night while we were reading some books, he surprised us by signing “pig,” “cow” and maybe even “bunny”!! He has also been signing “music”, and this morning at Mothersong, one of the moms thought he signed “sleep”. I’ll try to take video clips of his signs. It’s really adorable to see the baby versions of what we’re doing!

Anyway, he’s definitely more communicative now. Not only is he building his signing vocabulary, he also points things out a lot more and tries to imitate sounds we make (mostly animal sounds, but still…!).

For the past 3 weeks or so, he’s also been hard at work trying to learn how to eat with utensils — he’s reasonably good at getting spoons into his mouth, but getting food onto the spoon or his baby fork are still proving to be challenging. And, he’s doing a lot of “vacuuming” and self-grooming (he loves to try combing/brushing his hair after bath time).

The other night, he watched Tom use a stud finder (just a powerful magnet encased in plastic), then he took a turn moving it along the wall until the magnet stuck to a nail.

Dylan is also really eager to take off on his own these days and even goes so far as to push our hands away when we try to walk with him!

Time is flying.

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