it’s a blur

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Last weekend is now a total blur! We had plans to stoke up the firepit and do up some backyard s’mores, but they never came to fruition. Still, we did enjoy some outdoor time in the now complete (except for side gates) backyard! While the kids played, the grown-ups managed to finish 2 whole games of a game called 7 Wonders.

in front of her castle
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Heather drew sidewalk chalk castles for each kid.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We set up the bounce house….

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

…and the tee ball…

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

…and bbq’d some Bocas.

cameron and gilbert
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron invited Gilbert!

I can’t remember what else we did that weekend!! The previous weekend, though, while I was at a baby shower, Tom took the kids to Ellie’s bday party at a place called The Jungle. Apparently, Cameron loved it, but poor Dylan lost his enthusiasm after losing sight of Tom for a little too long than was comfy!

Anyway, despite the haziness of the past couple of weeks, one thing always remains crystal clear: Monday’s are brutal!

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