The next morning, we hoped the kids would sleep in a little…but, of course, they didn’t! Tom and I got up around 6 or so to finish baking the cinnamon rolls and the final prep for heading over the hill!
Dylan was super stoked to get the Snap Circuits he so carefully wrote on his Santa list!
When we got to Cindy’s house, we opened presents after eating and Lola got Dylan even more snap circuits. Boy was he thrilled!
Cameron didn’t know what she wanted for the holidays, but she had fun with what she got…!
Dylan made wrapping paper and a present for us at school–a handprint he painted for us! By far, this was my favorite gift.
Lola started a new tradition–getting the little boys matching holiday jammies!
And, of course, us daughters got us our matching jammies! These are way preferable to the ugly, matching holiday sweaters we used to get instead! Even my mom admits they were pretty horrid!
This year, we spent most of the day at Cindy’s house and since Christina now lives in the same city as Cindy, she and Dre hosted dinner. She did a beautiful job decorating her house! I seem to be the only daughter who didn’t get the fashion/decorating gene!
And, here are just a few other pictures….
Mom brought a platter of Filipino treats–all of these are rice and coconut milk-based and vegan! Cameron really liked the round white ones; Dylan liked the purple rectangles!
Here’s Christina’s tree..straight out of a catalog or mall (like Cindy’s!)…!
And, boom, just like that Christmas was done!
With some sadness, we took our tree and decorations down yesterday. Now the house looks so plain again! But, of course, we’ll look forward to next year!
And, finally, here’s our annual family photo!