chloe’s first bath

first bath
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Among other things this past weekend (went to a bday party up in Boulder Creek and saw The Lorax in the theatres with HAT and Anyam and Grandpa), we gave Chloe her first in-water bath! Dylan and Cameron were falling all over themselves and each other trying to help out. Tom and I had our hands full trying to keep toys and extra washcloths out of the little tub!!

Chloe was as mellow as could be and took everything all in stride!

So far, Chloe is really helping to make the transition to 3 a smooth one. She is still sleeping lots and since she eats well and pretty regularly, we can predict our windows of opportunity for getting stuff done (e.g., getting Dylan to school, driving long distances, etc.). The windows of opportunity are fairly small since she nurses about every 2 hours (though it seems like she’s starting to go a little longer between meals now), but it’s enough time to get at least a little bit done here and there. Still wondering what she’ll be like once she really “comes to…!”

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