the big Leo-Virgo bday throwdown

DSC_8589.jpg by coffywoman
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

It’s been a while since my side of the family celebrated the Leo and Virgo bdays. Tyler (8/13) celebrated his 9th(!!), Cameron (8/12) her 3rd, Rob his 26th(9/5) and, I celebrated my 101011rd. This celebration was way back before we left for LA!! Datestamp in Flickr says it was 8/26! I guess it’s been difficult to keep up with the blog lately…!

Anyway, the party was another fun celebration with the family whom we hadn’t seen in quite some time! And, Auntie Cindy made special beet-sweetened princess cupcakes for Li’l Ms. Diva Jr.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Clearly, Chloe is not always sure of her family’s sanity. She is a smart cookie.

dylan’s hmmmm….
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

And, apparently, Dylan is a skeptic as well!

“see what??”
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I don’t know why Dylan thinks this is funny, but I’m glad he has a big smile on his face!

loves this kaleidoscope
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan really dug Cameron’s new kaleidoscope!

bday girl in action
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Here’s the bday celebrant checking out another gift.

looking through
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I love this picture….

chloe movin
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Chloe was really interested in a lot of stuff on the floor! She was skooching and rotating herself all over the place!

lovin’ new books
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

happy like we like ’em
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

gearing up for the holidays
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Chloe is a natural at tearing paper (who woulda thunk??)

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Look at her go! Such determination on her sweet little face!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We gave Tyler a couple of cookbooks–Green Eggs and Ham and Roald Dahl’s Revolting Recipes. I love how he was studying the recipes so intently!

eating glasses
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Of course, Chloe had to try the glasses.

the auntie shot
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

purple tutu
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Lola’s got some mad crocheting skills. Too bad Chloe was a) to big for that adorable purple and white tutu and b totally unwilling to wear it for even a little while! Still, we’re keeping it for her in her little Treasures box.

Another year under our belts!

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