Summer – Week 2

It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of the second week of summer break! Dylan just finished his first week of summer camp. The theme is “Magic, Mystery and Music,” and coupled with the fact that we’re reading Harry Potter right now, the boy has got magic on his mind!

He’s been making “spell casters” from construction paper and ribbon and there is talk about holding a “wand-making workshop” once Taliana and K. return from their vacation! In typical Dylan fashion, there will be a sign-up sheet/registration for the event!

As for the girls, Chloe is now big enough to participate in gymnastics, so instead of story time, we opted for JuneBug’s. Cameron has clearly been missing going, but she’s no less good at doing her tricks! And Chloe just loved jumping on the trampoline. She can’t get her feet off the ground yet, but she’s really really trying–you can see it in her face that she’s trying to get her brain to send the signal to legs to get some lift!!

Seeing her at gymnastics motivated us to finally replace the worn-out bungee on our little trampoline at home and she’s really enjoying climbing up on that and practicing!

Yesterday, we also busted out the bounce house.

sliding down
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

dylan still likes it
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We concluded our week with our final Music Together class of the session.

Time is flying by, but we’re still attentive to all of the ways in which Chloe is changing and growing!! Chloe now says “tenk youuu” pretty well now! And she’s beginning to say “more” (she still signs it). She copies the big kids A LOT! Unfortunately, the most recent mimicry involves jamming her finger up her nose and laughing (thanks Cameron!). Cameron is getting more responsive to us telling her that she is teaching Chloe how to share and respond to other kids with the way she acts. When Chloe grabs or tries to shove one of the big kids away from her toy, we remind her she’s watching and learning from her and Dylan, so now Cameron will share more easily, give kisses, guide Chloe along, etc. It’s really sweet to see (and a bit of a relief, too!). It’s been a fun week!

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