Easter came and went in a blur! We did our usual quickie-find-baskets-at-home before heading over the hill to Auntie Christina’s house for Easter brunch and the egg hunt at the park behind her house.
Jason and Tyler are totally beyond egg hunting now. It’s a bit sad, in a way! But, they were enthusiastic hiders.
Chris didn’t make it until much later, but Rob was there. My oldest nephew. So hard to believe that he’s engaged to be married!!!
This one had practice at the egg hunt at school (which initially perplexed her!).
The big kids were kind enough to leave a few of the easy ones for her. Just a few.
Cindy’s new dogs still make the girls a little nervous. I think Chloe is wondering if the egg Lola is pointing to is worth getting to!
Cameron is fast…and has good eyesight.
Dylan had to hustle to beat out his sister!
After finding eggs (whew, it was hot out there!), the kids stopped to play for a bit before deciding it was too hot to actually enjoy the slide.
Cameron really liked the belt she got with the “spring dress” she picked out from Costco. She wrapped it around her Easter dress! She definitely has her own sense of fasion!
Backing up a bit…before we left for Christina’s, the kids found their baskets in the freezing cold of Santa Cruz
They were so excited for the Easter bunny, Dylan especially had a tough time falling asleep the night before. I cherish these moments!
Chloe’s was easy to find, but Cameron’s and Dylan’s were a bit trickier. Cameron started getting worried, so we finally had to give her a clue!
Here’s her expression once she finally found her basket!
I know that’s what Chloe was thinking. I wish there was less junk in the baskets, but I guess old E.B. just had too much on his plate to think outside of the box this year.
E.B. left extra vegan candy in case replacements were needed over at the other house.
Really?!? More stuffed animals?!? What was E.B. thinking?? Oh, well, he is somewhat forgiven as 2/3 kids have opted to share their chocolate-scented stuffies on their respective share days at school.
I can’t believe we let the kids eat some chocolate first thing in the morning, but they honestly don’t go through their treats…ever. They still have treats from every holiday we celebrate. It seems only fair to let them enjoy some of their “gifts!”
So, the week prior to Easter Sunday, the girls had their annual egg hunt at school.
Cameron was such a generous soul. She was finding stuff for Chloe and her other school pals and happily sharing.
Chloe really didn’t know what was going on.
I finally guided her to one nobody seemed to notice, then I swapped it out for one of our plastic vegan guys. She shook that thing and opened it and out popped a jelly belly. After that, she was on fire, looking and looking, but really she started too late and no other eggs were to be found!
Chloe was upset that she didn’t have more, so Cameron handed her the extra she’d found (which we swapped for a plastic one — and then Cameron gave the real egg to another kid who’d only found one).
Each kid was given a limit of 2 eggs, so once Cameron had found and distributed her’s, she just sat down and chillaxed!
Then it was play time! Here, she’s waiting for her buddy Jada to finish up on the bars.
Chloe is an excellent climber.
And that was Easter 2014.