the first week

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We made it through Week 1 of having two kids! Cameron had 2 doctor’s appointments, both to follow up on her jaundice. During the first one, her bili level using the bili-meter was at 19.3. Since she was pretty yellow (and so were her eyeballs!), the doctor ordered a blood draw which resulted in a 16.9 reading. This sounds high, but for a Day 5 infant, it was not high enough to warrant any medical attention (thank goodness). We took her out into the sunshine for 10-15 minute stretches and, if she didn’t awake on her own, we woke her after 2-3 hours to make sure she nursed.

By the second appointment (her 1-week mark!), she’d gone from 7 lbs. 5 oz. to 7 lbs. 7 oz; although she was behind on her poopin’ schedule, she was peeing up a storm and had at least gained a couple of ounces…a promising sign! We’ll return to the doctor next week to check her weight gain.

Also during this first week, Auntie Heather and gals, Auntie Cindy, Auntie Christina, Lola and Grandpa Mike all came for a visit to see how both kidlets were doing. Dylan loves having visitors. For one, he has someone to play with, but also, everyone is just so awesome about lavishing him with attention!

sibling love...08/16/2009
sibling love
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan is still a very enthusiastic and proud big brother! He’s clearly adjusting — he asks Tom for a lot more attention now and wants to be picked up a lot — but he’s still pretty chipper, as you can see here! The big issue with Dylan is that he is waking up about an hour earlier than he normally does and I think he’s been having more restless nights. On top of getting fewer hours of nighttime sleep, he’s also having trouble napping during the day! Overall, he manages to maintain a cheery disposition, but the lack of sleep does catch up to him sometimes and he begins to have trouble sharing with Taliana and P. and/or getting ready at night!

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