Cameron’s first trip to the redwoods

cameron getting a diaper change at henry cowell
cameron at henry cowell
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

On Friday, we joined Heather and her parents and her parents’ guest (a former student of Bozsi’s) for a short walk in Henry Cowell. At first, I wasn’t sure how we’d fare. I nursed Cameron before we left, but by the time we got there, it seemed like she was hungry again! Not wanting to delay everyone, I stopped on a bench and nursed her while everyone continued on ahead. I was able to catch up with them after a short time and, luckily, Cameron stayed asleep for the duration of the walk and through lunch! That was a whopping 2.5 hours or so. What luck!

posing together
posing together
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan had a great time because he could see Taliana. They examined the goosepens, climbed on burl, found sticks and leaves, and just had a blast running up and down the path!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Since Roaring Camp is right next door to the park, we could hear train whistles while we walked! So, after finishing the loop, we headed next door and caught sight of a steam train just coming back into the station! All in all, a very exciting day for Dylan and a successful first outing with Cameron for us!

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