the Dylan climbed over the mommy…

climbing the mommy
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

…to see what he could see…! (sung to the tune of “for he’s a jolly good fellow…” which is also the same song as “the bear climbed over the mountain,” a song we sing and sign in Finger Babble!)

We went to our second Finger Babble class last Tuesday where, once again, Dylan was way too distracted by wanting to nurse to pay much attention to signing! He is still having a tough time napping in the mornings (going on a week now) and his little teeth are still just barely through the gums!! Poor thing….

So, once again, Tom and I signed to the other babies and took the lessons back home.

This time, we learned duck, stroller, doll, hill, keys, car, telephone, elephant, play, far (and near!), light, dance, sad, in and out, and fan (a personal favorite!).

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