the Square Mouth

(picture forthcoming) Well, we started Thursday off with a bang. Joya was back from Argentina to lead another session of Mothersong and both Dylan and Taliana were thrilled! Dylan broke out in a big, wide grin as soon as we started singing “Barima Tue” and he was all chatty and social with Sierra (who sat next to us). He was clearly glad to be back at Mothersong!

But, then bad mommy decided to head out for a run as soon as we all got back to the house.

This is the first time that Dylan has really flipped out with Heather! Poor Heather had to endure Dylan’s wailing, burrowing into the crook of her neck and into her chest…he apparently tried getting under her shirt several times (!), and there was no way could she even attempt to put him down.

Luckily, I was only out for about 40 minutes…he quieted down as soon as he was back in my arms, but we have decided that, surely, he must now be developing separation anxiety.

Tom and I have been lamenting the fact that he’s been so clingy these past couple of weeks, thinking it was teething-related and he was just wanting some extra TLC. Whenever we step out of his play yard these days, we get the Square Mouth. So sad.

Well, the better news is that he has finally been able to return to a reasonable sleep schedule. He slept about 14 hours total yesterday and already logged 14 hours today.

I think he’s on the road to recovery from his first full-blown cold, too…

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