After Dylan’s graduation ceremony, Cameron and I met her classmates at Gizdich Ranch for some strawberry-picking!
Cameron refused to go even when I told her that she wasn’t going to stay at school, we were just going to pick some strawberries for their jam-making project. She only admitted to wanting to go after I asked her if she’d want to go if it were just us.
Turns out, she liked seeing her classmates there as well!
Cameron was so adorable. She kept asking me, “mommy, is this one perfect?” and she’d look at some and go, “ohh, too pink.”
She did taste a few…These are conventionally-grown strawberries so I didn’t want her to taste too much, but she was so cute, I couldn’t help but let her try a few.
In the end, she had a great time. And, we have Auntie Heather to thank for picking Dylan up from school that day! We wouldn’t have been able to make it to the field trip if I’d had to worry about being back in time to get him!!
Cameron did such a great job, too! Look at these beauties!!! We picked enough for SG2’s jam project as well as plenty for Dylan’s class party the next day!